Wade Time with Tailwaters Lodge Owner Bruce Cote

-July 15, 2024-

If you've read any of my blog posts, you know that I love fishing in the early evening, but on this day, I went fishing at 3pm because there was going to be a wonderful sulfur hatch going on...


Wade Time with Tailwaters Lodge Owner Bruce Cote

-June 12, 2024-

I hustled to the river anxiously trying to use the last hour of daylight to fool a few. It was 8:15 PM and the water had just come down making it wade-able again. I was hoping for a good spinner fall like the one we had two nights ago....


Wade Time with Tailwaters Lodge Owner Bruce Cote

-May 24, 2024-

Mornings come early this time of year and a cacophony of birds announce its arrival much to my delight. I’m having my cup of coffee...


Trekking in Tri-Cities with Tailwaters Lodge Property Manager Nicole

-May 23rd, 2024- 

Journeys, they bring us places. A simple statement that can be applied to my trip to the grocery store to get mini-m&m’s or my most recent move across the country. Both are important in their purpose, however one took a bit more gas and had more car karaoke.


Tip of the day (River tactics) 

Logun Shell is a professional guide here on the South Holston River and works for the South Holston River Company. He shares fly fishing tips and tricks for the South Holston River.

On this short episode he talks about the importance of approaching the river to maximize a fishing trip.

Click here to watch the short video.

Tip of the Day (Tippet & Line) 

Logun Shell is a professional guide here on the South Holston River and works for the South Holston River Company. He shares fly fishing tips and tricks for the South Holston River.

On this short episode he talks about the importance of Tippet and Line sizes. We hope you find this helpful as you plan your trip here at the Tailwaters Lodge.

Click here to watch the video. 

Wade Time with Tailwaters Lodge Owner Bruce Cote 

-April 29, 2024-

Life has a way of getting in the way of fishing! Once again, I had been eager to get back in the water. In my previous post, I mentioned how persistent high winds had buffered my attempts to wade fish. This time, it was because of a bad back.


Wade Time with Tailwaters Lodge Owner Bruce Cote 

-April 16, 2024-

Finally, I got into the water and I was excited. I had been watching the low flow of the river all day long as I did my daily chores and was chomping at the bit to wet my fly! The wind was still kicking up a bit, but starting to lay down.


Birds of the South Holston River

Here at the Tailwaters Lodge we have an amazing variety of birds at our doorstep.  Over the winter, our staff photographer has photographed many birds on Osceola Island.  We hope you enjoy the many birds here at the Tailwaters Lodge in Bristol Tn.  

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